Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Almost 3 weeks post-surgery...3 more to go...

Well... I had fully intended on writing more posts in regards to my progression after surgery, but let's face it... I was just too distracted watching the Food Network and HGTV tired and focused on healing to get around to it. So far, I think I have been doing everything I am supposed to in order to make sure I heal properly and regain my strength. I started Physical Therapy (PT) only 3 days after my procedure where they asked me to do a straight leg raise. Simple,right? Just raise my dumb leg up in the air and lower it back down. This seemingly simple move was utterly impossible. My knee at this point felt like a bowling bowl attached to a noodle for a leg since all my quad muscles had atrophied. I was able to contract what little muscle tone was hiding in there, so I worked for the rest of the week simply contracting and holding my quad muscles and doing some lateral leg raises that were somehow easy for me to do. At my 3rd PT appointment, at about the 1.5 week post-surgery mark, I was finally able to do a straight leg raise. Quite the accomplishment. Oh...and I not only did one, I did a rep of 10! Then I came home, rested and did another rep of 10! Needless to say, my leg and knee were exceptionally sore that night. Even though I have been able to do the straight leg raises, it hurts in the most excruciating way. I literally feel like something is going to snap and break with each one I do. Yesterday, I returned to work. Overall, while I was at home, I started feeling pretty good. I spent a lot of time just resting, relaxing, doing my exercises a couple times a day, etc. I also, however, was on pain pills during these two weeks. Thus, my overall knee pain was abated. I knew I would need to quit the pain pills before returning to work because they generally made me sleepy, nauseated and, yes, constipated. Three things you do not want to deal with while at work. So this past weekend, I weened myself off and now I am actually realizing the pain a little bit. Also not fun. It has been tolerable and I am still taking ibuprofen which helps, but I am definitely noticing a difference. Also, being someone who doesn't necessarily like taking any sort of medication on a regular basis, I'm hoping I just start healing and feeling better soon so I can be off all medications. My gastrointestinal lining is wearing away as we speak... In close, being back at work has been an adjustment, but I am making the best of it. I have scared Jon with a couple of emotional breakdowns over the past few days just because I have been feeling so incapacitated and helpless. I am really used to my independence, so the adjustment has been rough. Looking forward to driving again, cooking, walking the sloop monster and even cleaning. I know... Im weird like that. I start therapy with a new PT today (one that could see me at 5:00 pm when I get off work), so we'll see how that goes. I appreciate everyone's support over the past couple weeks and I will try to provide timelier updates going forward.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Pending surgery and a video to remember why I am going through with this...

It's here. I have been so apprehensive about this procedure for months now. While I do need to have it done, I have spent the past 14 years figuring out how to live my life by just dealing with it rather than actually fixing it.

My co-workers were asking me this week why I was electing to have surgery. "You look like you're walkin' around just fine to me...", one of them said. Yes--like I said, I have spent the past 14 years calculating my every step, precisely measuring what my knee can handle and what it can't and simply adjusting, adopting.

My husband is actually the one who finally convinced me that I should be a little more hopeful and encouraged to schedule a second surgery. Medical technology, especially in the realm of orthopedics, has made a lot of advancements in the past decade and a half. I also am very thankful to have found a surgeon who actually displays a respectable amount of good bedside manner. Cocky doctors/surgeons of my past definitely discouraged me to put this off for so long.

Finally -- like I said in my previous post, I am just tickled by the fact that I won't have to calculate every single move I make. I hope I will be able to run, dance, even just walk without having to think about each step. The procedure I am having is a -- get ready for this -- a Medial Patellofemoral Ligament Repair and a Tibial Tubercle Transfer. I know. Sounds fancy, huh. Take a minute to be wowed that I actually took the time to remember these weird medical terms....and that I spelled all those words right. I think.

I made a video of what my knee currently looks like and how it moves all over the place, but couldn't figure out how to post it. Im a little tech-tarded. Anyways-- let's get this thing done! Wish me luck!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

One month till my knee surgery -- It's the final countdown!

So -- today marks the one month mark until I go under the knife (again)for my knee. I am getting very anxious as the date draws near, but I am very hopeful that everything is going go well and that I will regain some stabilization (if nothing more) from this procedure. Jon and I have been consistently going to the gym for the past month now, and other than our one-week hiatus while my sister was in town, we haven't even tried to talk ourselves out of it once! I am proud of us! It's hard to convince yourself after a long day of work/school to get your butt to the gym, but somehow we've been making it happen! And, although we haven't changed our eating habits too much to note a significant weight loss, I think we are both feeling healthier and stronger. I am hoping that the strength I have gained in my pre-surgery workouts will help me in my post-surgery recovery. I can honestly say that recently, my knee has been feeling better than ever. Jon has really been helping me with weight training and making my legs stronger in general. He says we are going to train for a 5K when I am recovered from my surgery. This would be an absolute dream come true for me! I have been so happy to have Jon's love and support dealing with me and my funky knee problems and I know he will be the best caretaker to me when I get out of surgery. I will probably do another post in this regard after my pre-op appointment on the 28th. Until then, I plan to keep getting stronger and stronger and stronger.The more I can look like Schwarzenegger going into surgery, the better. That's all I can figure...