Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Pending surgery and a video to remember why I am going through with this...

It's here. I have been so apprehensive about this procedure for months now. While I do need to have it done, I have spent the past 14 years figuring out how to live my life by just dealing with it rather than actually fixing it.

My co-workers were asking me this week why I was electing to have surgery. "You look like you're walkin' around just fine to me...", one of them said. Yes--like I said, I have spent the past 14 years calculating my every step, precisely measuring what my knee can handle and what it can't and simply adjusting, adopting.

My husband is actually the one who finally convinced me that I should be a little more hopeful and encouraged to schedule a second surgery. Medical technology, especially in the realm of orthopedics, has made a lot of advancements in the past decade and a half. I also am very thankful to have found a surgeon who actually displays a respectable amount of good bedside manner. Cocky doctors/surgeons of my past definitely discouraged me to put this off for so long.

Finally -- like I said in my previous post, I am just tickled by the fact that I won't have to calculate every single move I make. I hope I will be able to run, dance, even just walk without having to think about each step. The procedure I am having is a -- get ready for this -- a Medial Patellofemoral Ligament Repair and a Tibial Tubercle Transfer. I know. Sounds fancy, huh. Take a minute to be wowed that I actually took the time to remember these weird medical terms....and that I spelled all those words right. I think.

I made a video of what my knee currently looks like and how it moves all over the place, but couldn't figure out how to post it. Im a little tech-tarded. Anyways-- let's get this thing done! Wish me luck!

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