Wednesday, February 8, 2012

One month till my knee surgery -- It's the final countdown!

So -- today marks the one month mark until I go under the knife (again)for my knee. I am getting very anxious as the date draws near, but I am very hopeful that everything is going go well and that I will regain some stabilization (if nothing more) from this procedure. Jon and I have been consistently going to the gym for the past month now, and other than our one-week hiatus while my sister was in town, we haven't even tried to talk ourselves out of it once! I am proud of us! It's hard to convince yourself after a long day of work/school to get your butt to the gym, but somehow we've been making it happen! And, although we haven't changed our eating habits too much to note a significant weight loss, I think we are both feeling healthier and stronger. I am hoping that the strength I have gained in my pre-surgery workouts will help me in my post-surgery recovery. I can honestly say that recently, my knee has been feeling better than ever. Jon has really been helping me with weight training and making my legs stronger in general. He says we are going to train for a 5K when I am recovered from my surgery. This would be an absolute dream come true for me! I have been so happy to have Jon's love and support dealing with me and my funky knee problems and I know he will be the best caretaker to me when I get out of surgery. I will probably do another post in this regard after my pre-op appointment on the 28th. Until then, I plan to keep getting stronger and stronger and stronger.The more I can look like Schwarzenegger going into surgery, the better. That's all I can figure...

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